Tuesday, May 1, 2007

babysitting job

Tomorrow Naomi is two months old.
How does two months just fly by? I can't believe it was two months ago that Christian and I were sitting in Caribou coffee together, talking about how it was our last date that we didn't have to arrange child care (well, for the next 12 years or so...).
Life has been very different as I knew it in the past two months. At first it felt like I was assigned this very long babysitting job for a kid I never met before. It was SO weird to get it through my head that she was MINE, OURS, from God, for us to keep, and that her real parents wouldn't be pulling up in the driveway at 6:00, and slipping me $40...
I finally got it. OUR daughter, at two months recognizes me when I pick her up, she grips for dear life on my hair when I go to put her down (which for now, is totally cute) I talk about my self in the third person as "mama" and it doesn't make me feel like I am six and playing 'house', and best of all I am getting SO many smiles these days! Worth WAY more than $40!

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