Thursday, May 3, 2007

Record news...

Naomi got 6 straight hours of sleep last night! That means that I got 6 straight hours of sleep last night! I feel like I am on top of the world! I could hike Mt.Everest, write a novel, take quantum physics!...or clean my kitchen. Yea, that will require about the same amount of energy as the Everest climb, and would be more productive :)

Here are some more pictures of our darling little sleeper!



Rachel said...

She looks so thoughtful in the last image.

Ashley and Shawn said...

take advantage to all the extra sleep you can get!!!! she is doing better than zach!!! well i am very happy things are going great for you and your new family

The Mobergs said...

We want some new pictures! =) I bet Naomi has grown sooo much since you made this last post!

The Mobergs